Posts Tagged: 1941

The Royal Couple
‘Butch’ Landesman and Jeannie Roberts were the King and Queen of the Brooklyn Country Fair in 1941. Butch’s gesture of tossing a handful of posies to the audience was apparently quite the show stopper according the May 9, 1941 issue

The Royal Couple
‘Butch’ Landesman and Jeannie Roberts were the King and Queen of the Brooklyn Country Fair in 1941. Butch’s gesture of tossing a handful of posies to the audience was apparently quite the show stopper according the May 9, 1941 issue

Happy 11th Birthday Brooklyn College!
The Brooklyn College Country Fair was initiated by Dean Adele Bildersee in 1938. A historical note about the fair describes how Dr. Harry D. Gideonse, president at Brooklyn College from 1939 to 1966 annually would be photographed cutting the ‘birthday’

Happy 11th Birthday Brooklyn College!
The Brooklyn College Country Fair was initiated by Dean Adele Bildersee in 1938. A historical note about the fair describes how Dr. Harry D. Gideonse, president at Brooklyn College from 1939 to 1966 annually would be photographed cutting the ‘birthday’