Author Archives: Michael Branson Smith

A Long Way From My Home
This photograph of Richie Havens performing was published in the 1969 Yearbook of Staten Island Community College. There’s no caption that accompanies the photo, but I’m making the assumption that he performed on campus that year. If so, this performance

A Long Way From My Home
This photograph of Richie Havens performing was published in the 1969 Yearbook of Staten Island Community College. There’s no caption that accompanies the photo, but I’m making the assumption that he performed on campus that year. If so, this performance

Professor of Basketball
Dr. George E. Wellworth appears in the pages of the English and Speech Department of Staten Island Community College in Horizons the 1963 yearbook. Is he a basketball coach as well? There’s no additional text other than his name, so if

Professor of Basketball
Dr. George E. Wellworth appears in the pages of the English and Speech Department of Staten Island Community College in Horizons the 1963 yearbook. Is he a basketball coach as well? There’s no additional text other than his name, so if

Bridging Over to the College of Staten Island
Last Friday Eric Metcalf and I made a trip to the College of Staten Island Archives and Special Collections where Prof. James A. Kaser was gracious enough to give us access to the many yearbooks they have collected over the years. We also

Bridging Over to the College of Staten Island
Last Friday Eric Metcalf and I made a trip to the College of Staten Island Archives and Special Collections where Prof. James A. Kaser was gracious enough to give us access to the many yearbooks they have collected over the years. We also

The Fly
Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) at 79X magnification, using a scanning electron microscope (Make and model: ISI SX-40A). Fly from the laboratory of Dr. Anne Simon, York College. Photo credit: Omar Feliciano, Robert Fernandez, Kyla-Gaye Pinnock with Dr. Arne Christensen.

The Fly
Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) at 79X magnification, using a scanning electron microscope (Make and model: ISI SX-40A). Fly from the laboratory of Dr. Anne Simon, York College. Photo credit: Omar Feliciano, Robert Fernandez, Kyla-Gaye Pinnock with Dr. Arne Christensen.

The Royal Couple
‘Butch’ Landesman and Jeannie Roberts were the King and Queen of the Brooklyn Country Fair in 1941. Butch’s gesture of tossing a handful of posies to the audience was apparently quite the show stopper according the May 9, 1941 issue

The Royal Couple
‘Butch’ Landesman and Jeannie Roberts were the King and Queen of the Brooklyn Country Fair in 1941. Butch’s gesture of tossing a handful of posies to the audience was apparently quite the show stopper according the May 9, 1941 issue

Flatbush Collision Repairs
Gerie Becker and Myron Helfgott pose for a photograph that was later displayed with other pictures, posters, and a scarecrow in a straw hat in a Woolworth window to advertise for the 1943 Brooklyn College Country Fair.

Flatbush Collision Repairs
Gerie Becker and Myron Helfgott pose for a photograph that was later displayed with other pictures, posters, and a scarecrow in a straw hat in a Woolworth window to advertise for the 1943 Brooklyn College Country Fair.

Ready, Aim, Fire!
Students participate in toy gun game at the 1950 Brooklyn College Country Fair.

Happy 11th Birthday Brooklyn College!
The Brooklyn College Country Fair was initiated by Dean Adele Bildersee in 1938. A historical note about the fair describes how Dr. Harry D. Gideonse, president at Brooklyn College from 1939 to 1966 annually would be photographed cutting the ‘birthday’

Happy 11th Birthday Brooklyn College!
The Brooklyn College Country Fair was initiated by Dean Adele Bildersee in 1938. A historical note about the fair describes how Dr. Harry D. Gideonse, president at Brooklyn College from 1939 to 1966 annually would be photographed cutting the ‘birthday’

Brooklyn College Playboy Club
Giant student-made Playboy bunny who was planted in front of the Playboy Club booth. Taken at the Brooklyn College Country Fair, 1966. From the Brooklyn College D-Space archive.

Brooklyn College Playboy Club
Giant student-made Playboy bunny who was planted in front of the Playboy Club booth. Taken at the Brooklyn College Country Fair, 1966. From the Brooklyn College D-Space archive.

Free Academy Chemical Lab
Free Academy Chemical Laboratory. 1847-1926 From the City College Photographic Collection on DSpace.

Free Academy Chemical Lab
Free Academy Chemical Laboratory. 1847-1926 From the City College Photographic Collection on DSpace.

Enemiga De Los Estudiantes De Hostos Community College
Flyer advertises demonstration at Hostos Community College protesting visit by Linda Chavez, advocate of the English Only movement, Bronx, NY, November 7, 1991. From the Hostos Community College DSpace archive.

Enemiga De Los Estudiantes De Hostos Community College
Flyer advertises demonstration at Hostos Community College protesting visit by Linda Chavez, advocate of the English Only movement, Bronx, NY, November 7, 1991. From the Hostos Community College DSpace archive.

Off to Class
BMCC reproduced with permission from Ben Duchac.

Psychology Study
‘Dania Anderson sits alone studying her Psychology 101 at New York City College of Technology.’ Silhouette reproduced with permission from Chiubacca.

Psychology Study
‘Dania Anderson sits alone studying her Psychology 101 at New York City College of Technology.’ Silhouette reproduced with permission from Chiubacca.

Spring Comes Early
Yesterday I visited BMCC with a number of colleagues for a panel on open publications on the Commons. I snapped this picture before going inside – it was 75° and sunny. creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Michael

Spring Comes Early
Yesterday I visited BMCC with a number of colleagues for a panel on open publications on the Commons. I snapped this picture before going inside – it was 75° and sunny. creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Michael

I Think That I Shall Never See a Plant as Repulsive as a Pea
150 Brooklyn College students spent the summer of 1943 in Morrisville, NY picking peas and string beans by day and studying farm biology, geology, rural sociology, and war service courses in military topography and navigation. Majoring in Peas published in

I Think That I Shall Never See a Plant as Repulsive as a Pea
150 Brooklyn College students spent the summer of 1943 in Morrisville, NY picking peas and string beans by day and studying farm biology, geology, rural sociology, and war service courses in military topography and navigation. Majoring in Peas published in

Epstein Was Here
From the City College Photographic Collection.

Electronics Students
One of a number of photographs from the 40s and 50s of the New York Trade School, which was taken over by New York City College of Technology in 1971. This photograph is part of the NYC College of Technology

Electronics Students
One of a number of photographs from the 40s and 50s of the New York Trade School, which was taken over by New York City College of Technology in 1971. This photograph is part of the NYC College of Technology

Stop The War Now
1969 Queensborough Community College student march.

Money For Education Not War
2007 PSC-CUNY marches under the Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

Money For Education Not War
2007 PSC-CUNY marches under the Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

Ode to William Blake
Patti Smith performing “In My Blakean Year” at the CUNY Graduate Center November 16, 2009

Ode to William Blake
Patti Smith performing “In My Blakean Year” at the CUNY Graduate Center November 16, 2009

What You Wish For
This poster succeeded a window display that first featured video both created by Barbara Kruger shown at the CUNY Graduate Center in October 2008.

What You Wish For
This poster succeeded a window display that first featured video both created by Barbara Kruger shown at the CUNY Graduate Center in October 2008.

BMCC Chess Team
One of the interesting things I learned on my trip with Eric Metcalf to the BMCC library archives was that they have a really good chess team. So good that as a practically unknown team competing in the 1993 Pan

BMCC Chess Team
One of the interesting things I learned on my trip with Eric Metcalf to the BMCC library archives was that they have a really good chess team. So good that as a practically unknown team competing in the 1993 Pan

Returning to Class
BMCC is located less than three blocks from the footprint of the former World Trade Center. The Fiterman Building, was severely damaged by the 9/11 attacks and had to be condemned. The campus was closed for three weeks, and I

Returning to Class
BMCC is located less than three blocks from the footprint of the former World Trade Center. The Fiterman Building, was severely damaged by the 9/11 attacks and had to be condemned. The campus was closed for three weeks, and I

The First Student to Register for BMCC
This photo marks the first in a series of photos that were surfaced by Eric Metcalf and I during a recent visit to the BMCC Library’s archives. Special thanks to Dorothea Coiffe, BMCC’s archival librarian for allowing us to sift through

The First Student to Register for BMCC
This photo marks the first in a series of photos that were surfaced by Eric Metcalf and I during a recent visit to the BMCC Library’s archives. Special thanks to Dorothea Coiffe, BMCC’s archival librarian for allowing us to sift through

President Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Brooklyn College Cornerstone Laying, 1936
Thanks to Maura A. Smale a librarian at NYC College of Technology for introducing me to the CUNY Libraries using DSpace hosted by the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. Over a dozen CUNYs are hosting archival collections in

President Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Brooklyn College Cornerstone Laying, 1936
Thanks to Maura A. Smale a librarian at NYC College of Technology for introducing me to the CUNY Libraries using DSpace hosted by the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. Over a dozen CUNYs are hosting archival collections in